Feminine Hygiene Waste Removal – The Rules and Regulations
Did you know that as a business owner you are legally required to adhere to a range of Sanitary Waste Regulations if you have female or uni-sex washroom facilities?
Don’t worry, not everyone knows this so if you didn’t you’re not alone. As experts in the Washrooms servicing industry why not save some time and let United Washrooms tell you what you need know to keep in line with the rules….
What are the Regulations for Feminine Hygiene Waste?
- The Workplace Regulations (1992) states that all businesses must provide a means for the disposal of sanitary products in each ladies or uni-sex washroom facility.
- This is alongside the Water Industries Act (1991) which states that no item should be flushed that could cause a build-up or blockage in the sewer or drain systems.
- And lastly under the Environmental Protection Act (1990) businesses also have a legal ‘Duty of Care’ to manage waste safely and hygienically on their premises including the disposal of the waste.
What do these Regulations mean?
The 3 regulations simply mean that all business owners must:
- Provide suitable means for the disposal of sanitary products such as Feminine Hygiene Units
- Ensure that sanitary waste is disposed of on a regular basis and that this is handled by a company that is licensed to deal with this. Under the Duty of Care Act, the legal requirement is that a business manages the sanitary waste to a point of disposal which means employees cannot be made responsible for this themselves.
- All sanitary waste must be handled by a licensed carrier and a full audit trail must be available and kept for a minimum of 2 years.
What is the easiest way to make sure you are adhering to the rules?
If after reading the above information you have realised that you are not dealing with Sanitary waste correctly within your business then one of the easiest ways to make sure this is done correctly is to contact a Washrooms service provider like United Washrooms.
United Washrooms can provide you with a Feminine Hygiene Unit for each female and uni-sex toilet. We will work with you to ensure you are getting a regular service to suit your business and we will ensure the sanitary waste is disposed of correctly and that you are issued with the correct Waste Transfer paperwork for your records.
In short, United Washrooms take away the stress so you have time to manage the day-to-day running of your business instead of worrying about the waste!
If you would like to pass your businesses Sanitary Waste removal to United Hygiene Solutions, please give our expert team a call on: 01403 916 531 or email us at info@unitedhygienesolutions.co.uk
Call us for a FREE quote on 01403 916 531