Hand Sanitiser – what else can it be used for in the workplace?

Hand Sanitiser – what else you can use it for around the workplace. We all know that Sanitiser is a great way to clean your hands when soap and water are not available. But what else can you use it for?

How can Hand Sanitiser help around the workplace…

Spillage on your clothing

  • We’ve all done it, you are due to a meeting, you rush to take a sip of coffee and spill it on your shirt. Now what, soap and water won’t get it out…. but your trusty Hand Sanitiser will. Spray some Sanitiser onto the stain, let it soak in a little, rinse the area and repeat until it’s all gone. Obviously, as a responsible company, we do advise that you test an area of the shirt which is un-noticeable before finding it is made from a material which can get damaged by high alcohol content sanitiser!

Wiping down your phone

  • 95% of mobile and office phones have bacteria on them. Think about everything that we touch, and others touch before we reach for our phone or someone walks past our desk when we aren’t there, and they grab the call to take a message…Yuck right! Why not spray some Sanitiser onto a tissue and then wipe the phone down to kill all those nasty bacteria?

Cleaning your glasses

  • Do you wear glasses for screen work, lots of people do? Hand Sanitiser is also great to clean those greasy smudges off your glasses meaning you can see clearly again!

Cleaning Covid-19 protection screens

  • There have been a lot of Covid-19 protection screens installed in all sorts of businesses. You now know you can use Hand Sanitiser to clean your glasses, well it also works to clean theses screens getting rid of all of the oily fingerprints making them look nice and clean for your staff and customers.

Wiping down a toilet seat

  • Toilets! We all have our own way of using a public toilet, as a woman, there are several options including covering the toilet seat with paper or the slightly trickier method of hovering. My suggestion would be to put some Sanitiser on a tissue and wipe the toilet seat with this…..Bang! All of the germs and bacteria are gone, leaving you able to use the toilet normally with no fear of touching a dirty seat.

And there you were thinking Hand Sanitiser was a one-trick pony….not only can it help keep you safe during the current pandemic it can also offer the above for no extra cost.

If you would like to discuss our Hand Sanitiser services, please call Abi or Chloe on 01403 916531 or email us at info@unitedhygienesolutions.co.uk 

Call us for a FREE quote on 01403 916 531

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