Hand Hygiene – More than just washing!
Regular and effective hand hygiene is the single most important thing you can do to protect yourself and others from infection.
Hand hygiene
Your hands naturally have germs on them, and you pick up others as a result of touching objects and surfaces as you go about your day-to-day life. This can cause harm to both yourself and other people if these germs are passed on. Hand hygiene aims to get rid of as many of these types of germs as possible.
One thing which must be remembered is that Hand hygiene involves not only washing your hands but also drying them thoroughly. You can wash your hands really well and remove all of the problem germs but if you then walk away with your hands still damp, more germs will attach themselves.
Alcohol Hand Sanitiser
Alcohol Hand Sanitiser can also be used as an alternative to hand washing when soap, water and drying facilities are not available as an effective way to remove germs.
At United Washrooms we offer a full range of Hand Washing, Drying and Sanitising services to help you and your staff prevent the spread of viruses throughout your business.
Why not call our friendly team to discuss how we can help your business reduce the risk of viruses spreading on 01403 916 531 or email us at info@unitedhygienesolutions.co.uk
Call us for a FREE quote on 01403 916 531